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who are we

Provide audio files

Taking into consideration the learners who have problems with Internet services, an audio copy of the course lessons has been provided to reduce the consumption of the Internet in listening to them, and to facilitate downloading them to storage devices and then re-listening to them.

Hajar platform features

Educational services

Some video lessons contain summative educational services at the beginning, end and during the lesson, which helps to understand the lesson in a stronger way.


The most important thing about the platform here, is that we expect you to be able to learn anything on your own and at your convenience, from certified scholars

Provide audio files

Taking into consideration the learners who have problems with Internet services, an audio copy of the course lessons has been provided to reduce the consumption of the Internet in listening to them, and to facilitate downloading them to storage devices and then re-listening to them.

Diversifying learning resources

The sources of learning and achievement have been diversified, so you find that one subject: written, visual, and audio, reinforces what you have studied, and opens up broader horizons with regard to the subject of the lesson. You will also find that one subject is provided by more than one scholar, ensuring that all types of learners are covered

Speed up and slow down the lesson

You can benefit from four lesson speeds, so that you can benefit from fast narration when reviewing the lesson when repeating it or before exams, and benefit from slow narration when you want to summarize and write with the course instructor


Taking into account individual differences

The platform takes into account the individual differences between the learners, as it varies in teaching methods and methods to suit individual differences and the type of learner


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